One Million Playing Black Ops on Xbox Live This Morning


A whole bunch of gamers jumped onto Xbox Live As soon as they got home from a Black Ops midnight event.

Treyarch's community manager Josh Olin must have been closely monitoring everything regarding the Call of Duty Black Ops plunge endmost night. It is unquestionably the community handler's farm out to keep his finger along the pulse of his party's latest press release. Thus when he casually mentions on Chitter that helium's received reports that more than a million mass are playing Black Ops on Xbox Live, you better pay attention.

"Am I getting solid intel? Is there very near 1,000,000 players on Xbox LIVE right now?? #CODBlackOps #Launch," Olin's Twitter feed read at 1am Pacific Time this morning.

That agency that the game went Platinum final stage night, which was to equal awaited, only for it to have 1 million concurrent users on Xbox Live is quite a achievement. There was atomic number 102 word as to how numerous people were playing Black Ops over the PlayStation Network or if that included players who were merely playing the campaign. Taking all that into account, it's conceivable that Black Ops had a fantastic launch.

Of course, it's nowhere near atomic number 3 successful arsenic Modernistic Warfare 2's 7 one thousand thousand along launch day, despite GameStop predicting that Black Ops would outsell Eternity Ward's Call of Duty offering endmost year.

I'm non going to pass judgement until more official numbers are announced, but it is leastwise straighten out that Black Ops is doing better than Medal of Honour did. Take that, EA!

Source: Twitter


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