what political factors led to the decline of the roman empire

The Roman Empire: The Autumn of the Roman Democracy


To fully understand the Roman Empire and how it operates, information technology is advisable to commencement with a firm definition and explanation of the autumn of the Roman Republic. Originally, the only true way for one to work his way up a political ladder in Rome was by previous family connections, and how influential yous can be to the Roman people. Thecursus honorum was the actual process of moving through the political positions in Rome. All magistrates of the Roman Commonwealth also became part of the senate. Every bit the Roman Republic continually deteriorated throughout the 5th century BC all the way to the xxx's BC, the senate continually had less and less ability. The fall of the power, some conclude, is in direct relation to the fall of the ability of the Roman senate. Roman tradition became less and less important to political figures later on in the Roman Commonwealth, until xxx's BC where much Roman tradition was considered a thing of the by.

The autumn of the senatorial power in Rome can be described by unlike specific events; for example, Tiberius Gracchus, elected tribune of the plebs in 133 BC, proposed a law known asLex Sempronia Agraria, which in essence gave land to those who are poor and have fought in the army and had no land to return to. This is the first of many acts that started to ascertain the unlike views and wants of theOptimates (the people of ability, such as the senate) and thePopulares (the roman people as a whole). Knowing that the senate would disagree with his proposal, he bypassed the senate and took his proposal directly to the Popular Associates; this was considered a major insult to the senate. Tiberius Gracchus's younger and more than persistent brother, Gaius Gracchus, besides broke many rules of tradition and was blatantly insulting towards the senate. Gracchus, still, focused much more on the enfranchisement of the Italian allies of Rome (this is seen as a move towardspopulares). C. Marius began to break tradition and police likewise by taking men into his regular army who did non ain whatever state previously. Marius and Sulla were the showtime two political figures in Rome who used considerable military strength to get what they wanted, and this trend connected all through the fall of the Roman Republic and into the Roman Empire.

Caesar is being presented the head of his now deceased enemy, Pompey.

Gaius Julius Caesar, previous general and consul of Rome, played a vital role in the fall of the Roman Republic. Caesar, Gnaeus Pompeius (Pompey), and Marcus Crassus together formed what was afterward called the "Get-go Triumvirate" in 60 BC. Political differences and bickering somewhen led to the fall of the Triumvirate, and Crassus' death in 53 BC later a lost battle against Parthia in the East was the commencement true unsettlement in the Triumvirate. After years of civil war between Pompey and Caesar sparked from conflicting views, 48 BC marked Pompey's brutal expiry in Arab republic of egypt. 45 BC marked the truthful finish of the civil state of war, leaving Caesar to exist the merely triumvir left of the Outset Triumvirate. Having many political enemies, however, Caesar was eventually assasinated on the Ides of March in 44 BC by ii war veterans who fought for Pompey, M. Brutus and C. Cassius.

Now, with the dictator assassinated, there was mass confusion that was spread all throughout the Roman land as people impatiently waited and searched for some sort of political ability to come up back and help reorder the state. Through the confusion, a few political players came into play in the search for power: Yard. Antonius (Antony), who was Caesar's fellow consul and close friend; C. Octavius, Caesar'south adopted son and therefore his heir; Sextus Pompeius, the son of Caesar's greatest enemy, Pompey; and M. Aemilius Lepidus, Caesar'due south primary of the horse. All four of these political figures had different ideas as to what they wanted to become of Rome.

Antony, one of the almost important figures stated above, was extremely politically influential and was a major key in the becoming of the Roman Empire. He was 1 of Ceasar'due south great friends. Antony despised the act of the assassination of Caesar and hated Thou. Brutus and C. Cassius, the then-called "liberators" of Rome. Antony was responsible for reading at Caesar's funeral, and swore revenge on the liberators who had killed him. Being such a strong political figure, many took up arms and searched out for those who opposed Caesar. Many fled from Rome, among which were the 3 fundamental players in the assassination of Caesar: C. Cassius fled to Syria; Marcus Brutus, to Macedonia; and Demicus Brutus, to Cicalpine Gaul.

Although Antony had strong views of the way Caesar ruled Rome, C. Octavius, Caesar's adopted son, too had great political power and had gained the popularity of the people (populares) of Rome. Gaius Julius Caesar Octavius was an extremely young politician for his age, just inherited many treasures from Caesar's will (Antony was rather jealous of this aspect). Through acts of public humiliation and smart political games, Octavius slowly gained popularity over Antony.

A bust of Marcus Tullius Cicero

Marcus Tullius Cicero, another of import figure of political Rome, and a strong supporter of the republican Rome and the Roman senate, saw neat fear in the uprising of Antony'south power. Cicero wanted to make sure that there would be no coalition between Antony and Octavius, and he did everything in his power to weaken Antony'south popularity and influence on the Roman people. A series of public attacks on Antony, written past Cicero in what was chosen the Phillipics, loses Antony his popularity over fourth dimension. Antony is seen now equally an enemy of Rome, and he decides to abscond out of the state to become rule in Cicalpine Gaul. At that place is a problem with this, however; D. Brutus, 1 of the "liberators" in the assassination of Caesar, was already in rule of C. Gaul. Cicero saw this as an opportunity to pitch C. Octavius against Antony, and made Octavius consul in 43 BC to wage war confronting Antony and his attempts to take over Gaul. The Boxing of Mutina (44 – 43 BC) saw Octavius successful and a war hero. Althouth Octavius wanted to be rewarded a triumph as consul, the senate did not grant his wish, equally this triumph was originally intended for Demicus Brutus. Octavius, just like Caesar earlier him, was frustrated enough to take matters into his own hands and used violence to go his way. This is a clear manner to run across that violence in Roman politicswas here to stay. Octavius is at present seen as a caput ruler of Rome.

The Phillipics was not the first time Cicero proved his power and influence to the Roman people. His oral communication against Cataline was also extremely influential. Beside Cato, Cicero was ane of the best speakers who supported the senate of Rome.

Cicero'southward fiery attempts to stop coalitions between Octavius and Antony, nevertheless, had failed. Octavius saw great advantages in friending Antony, because Antony had the back up of Lepidus, another important political figure in Rome at the time. The three powerful men, Octavius, Antony and Lepidus, came together to form what was after formally known as the "2d Triumvirate". Their ruling was much more than brutal than the start, and each of them assigned theirselves 5-year consular power. Their goals, as rulers, were to wipe out the liberators of Rome and seek to find peace in the ways of Caesar's ruling before them. They wanted neither the respect of the senate nor the respect of the Roman people; all they wanted was revenge for Caesar's death. Some other round of proscriptions were made (like to Sulla'southward proscriptions of earlier) which marked all who were seen every bit liberators to exist killed. Cicero, a powerful supporter of the ways of the senate, was on this list (this was mainly because of Antony's frustration towards Cicero from Cicero'sPhillipics speeches against him). Different most, Cicero did not flee. He deemed it important and right to stay, and if necessary, die with his mother country. Cicero got what he wished, and was murdered on the 7th of Dec, 43 BC. Cicero was seen as one of the most influential speakers since Cato, and now that he is dead, non much political power stands in the way between the Second Triumvirate and Rome.

With their political enemies expressionless in the Roman state, the men of the triumvirate wanted to exterminate their foes in the eastward: M. Brutus and Cassius. The Battle of Phillipi (42 BC) saw the death of both Cassius and Brutus (both committed suidice) leaving nearly the entire Roman Empire in the hands of the Triumvirate. The death of the liberators is normally seen as the official closing and end of the Roman Democracy.

Now, the Triumvirate is in power and the republic is overthrown. Antony was in dominion of the eastward with hopes to push dorsum the forces of Parthia. Octavius remained in Italy in the west to overthrow Sextus Pompeius in Sicily. Octavius, being the more dominant and powerful, takes Sicily past force. Pompeius is forced to flee into the e, where he is exterminated by Antony'south forces. With Sextus Pompeius gone, the trouble remained of the weaker Lepidus (he was clearly the weakest of the 3 rulers in the Triumvirate, and he was no longer seen as necessary). Lepidus saw him able to overthrow Octavius with a mere xx legions. However, Octavius, being an influential speaker, turned Lepidus'southward army abroad form him, leaving Lepidus with little to no ability. Lepidus was allowed to keep his position equally Pontifex maximus, but that's it; he is no longer a triumvir. This is the beginning sign of the separation and fall of the Second Triumvirate.

The Battle of Actium, depicting Octavius's forces against Antony and Cleopatra.

Similarly to the first triumvirate, opposing views between Antony and Octavius created small bickering between them. Many started to incertitude Antony and his power, mainly considering of all of his failed battles in the due east against the Parthians. Antony put his trust in Cleopatra – an Egyptian woman who had birthed Caesar'due south beginning son – and her naval fleet proved not to be successful. Antony was constantly caught up in struggles with the Parthians in the due east, and a slowly unveiling beloved matter with Cleopatra. When Antony'south wish to be buried adjacent to Cleopatra upon his decease became public, much of Rome saw this equally a huge insult to the Roman country.

Many wanted war to be waged against Antony. Even so, Octavius persuaded that war not exist alleged on Antony, but rather on Arab republic of egypt. Although this seems like a foreign war, it was clear to Antony and Octavius that it was truly to target Antony and his true aliance. Antony divorced himself from Octavius and the Triumvirate; this was seen every bit an act of betrayal, and Antony was now seen as a public enemy of Rome. War between Octavius and Antony had begun. The Battle of Actium in September of 31 BC saw the downfall of the forces of Antony and Cleopatra, along with both of their deaths (they both had committed suicide, similar to Brutus and Cassius before them). Octavius is seen as a massive war hero. The temple of Janus was closed past Octavius in a showing of peace in the Roman country. Octavius was rewarded a triple triumph (Dalmatia, Actium, and Egypt). Egypt was now annexed as a new province.

The Temple of Janus stood in the Roman Forum; its doors were opened in fourth dimension of war, and closed in times of peace. Information technology was very rarely ever closed before Augustus; only was it closed in one case under King Numa Pompilius in the tardily 700's BC and once under Titus Manlius in the late 200'due south BC.

With Octavius equally a ruler, this was a new fourth dimension for Rome. Octavius, at present with the trust of the people of Rome, was rewarded a new title – a title which meant "sacred" and "revered" to the Roman people. Octavius, from this point onward, would exist referred to as "Augustus" and is known every bit the beginning ruler of the Roman Empire.



Source: https://sites.psu.edu/cams101tiberius/the-fall-of-the-roman-republic/

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